In his mid-nineties Bill lost his eyesight but continued to run the Net even though he couldn't take notes. He compensated for this with his remarkable memory, frequently surprising check-ins by remembering their names, spouse's name and often even their pet's name.
Born and raised in Milwaukee, Bill married his wife Evelyn in 1936. He is survived by his brother Fred and his son Bill, K9IUF. Evelyn passed away in 2002.
Bill spent the better part of his working career with the Koehring Company in Milwaukee, where he was the director of purchasing. He retired from there in 1974.
His ham radio activity declined in the late 40's and early 50's as he and his brother built their houses in Brookfield. They did everything but dig the holes. His ham radio activity increased again in 1957 when his son Bill became licensed as KN9IUF. He also spent a good deal of radio time running phone patches into Wisconsin from missionaries in Central America and scientific explorations into Antarctica. His South Pole patches were the subject of several Milwaukee Journal articles.
Besides ham radio, he was an avid hunter and fisherman. He took many fishing trips into Canada and hunted for deer in the Goodman area of Wisconsin. His main hunting partner was John, W9UE. He also won many trophies as a trap shooter. In addition, he was a skilled wood carver and enjoyed doing this in his retirement. Birds and Hopi Indian statues were his specialty.
73, Bill. You were special. And watch out for those swingin' doors up there.